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Brewer Overfill

Spout Clog, Pre-flush in mug, Grounds in coffee, coffee in residue bin, sliders, customizing recipe

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Written by Support at Spinn
Updated over a week ago

Understanding Spinn's Centrifugal Brewing

As you likely know, Spinn machines brew coffee using a centrifuge, a revolutionary brewing method which allows 1 machine to mimic nearly every format of coffee brewing, including even brewing Cold brew on-demand, from fresh whole beans to a refreshing brew in a matter of moments!

This is accomplished by grinding the beans fresh, then dropping them into a tube, where the transport worm then guides them into the brew chamber!

Inside the brew chamber is where the magic happens, thanks to a few crucial elements!

First, there is the brew basket, which provides the "floor" of the chamber, and holds the grounds. Around the sides of the basket is a stainless steel filter, which forms the "walls" of the chamber. It allows water through, while holding coffee grounds in place.

When a brew begins, first, the brewer spins quickly to coat the filter evenly with the newly added grounds!

Then, water is introduced, while the brewer picks up speed to infuse the grounds!

Next, the rest of the water is added, while the brewer reaches brewing speed, often around 4500 RPM, depending on the recipe! At this time, the spout is opened to allow the brewed coffee pushed through the cake of grounds and metal filter to flow into the cup!

When the brewer completes the brew and the coffee has left the chamber, it begins a dry cycle, increasing the speed to up to 6000 RPM to wring out the last bit of water from the grounds caked along the sides of the filter!

Finally, a lift motor raises the filter up and away from the basket, creating an opening around the sides of the basket, so the remaining grounds there can be ejected from the into the residue bin, with a final spin!

Where Brewer Overfill Occurs

The brew basket and filter system has a volume of roughly 10 oz, and when the grounds are first introduced and coat the sides of the chamber, it is possible for them to exceed the volume the sides of the basket can hold (much less than that 10 oz)!

In this case, the extra grounds will fly over the filter, instead ending up behind the filter, to bleed into the spout (either clogging it or depositing grounds in the cup) , clog the flush tube, or in some cases, cake on the underside of the motor which spins the basket, impeding it from reaching those high speeds!

Preventing Brewer Overfill

Note: If you are already experiencing a clogged spout, clogged flush tube, or issues with the motor, these steps will not solve the issue already present. Once the machine is running great, though, these should help you prevent it!

1. Ensure your recipes are loaded into the Spinn App

Any time you physically load a new type of beans into the hopper, you should also update your Spinn app! The Spinn has been designed to use custom profiles for each bean to control default volume, grind sizes, and account for the hardness of the beans! Without these settings tuned in, the Spinn may introduce too great a volume of grounds into the brew chamber.

You can do so with the "scan a bag" option in the center bottom tab of the app! Even if you are using a bag not recognized in our database, you can select "More" then "Don't see your coffee". This will give your machine a better idea of how to handle your roast! If your particular beans are popular enough, our market team may even create a profile for them, so check back now and again!

(Some customers find success searching our marketplace for a bean with similar origin and darkness, then loading those recipes, as an approximation!)

2. Some extra maintenance may be necessary for machines that make extensive use or pour overs, cold brews, or cold espresso.

These brews use lower motor speeds or unheated water (both, in the case of cold brew)! Both of these factors can lead to grounds being more resistant to movement, which can allow minor buildups to compound on each other as they are never fully cleared! For this reason, if you make heavy use of any of these recipes, we recommend mixing in hot, high RPM brews now and again, or running clean shots after every few brews!

3. Use custom recipes to reduce the number of grounds in the chamber, and be cautious when raising the grams slider too high!

Since the extra grounds are being flung over the filter, and not remaining into the brew chamber, they are not being used to brew, so they will not make your brew stronger! Due to the limited size of the brew chamber, if your coffee is a bit weak for your liking, we recommend defaulting to reducing the volume of the drink, to use less water, and only raising the grams slider incrementally, and with caution!

Additionally, if you are seeing an issue related to brewer overfill (grounds in your coffee cup, clogged spouts, a flush of water in the cup before every brew, even motor block), it may be a good idea to experiment with using custom recipes to lower the grams of coffee in the brew chamber, even if you already have the right beans loaded in! Coffee is organic material, and with that, comes some unpredictability that means even the most finely tuned recipes may give varied results on different machines under different circumstances (like your local climate!), or beans roasted in slightly different conditions! You may even see issues pop up suddenly with the same beans you have been using for a long time!

4. Last, but certainly most important: Keep up with the maintenance schedule!

Cleaning and Descaling cycles are designed to soak and then flush the brew chamber repeatedly, which is a great way to clear the start of a problem caused by overfill! While your machine may need a little attention from the steps above, the maintenance schedule is your number 1 defense against every issue that can affect your Spinn!

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